About Us
The Yorktown Democratic Committee (YDC) is…
…your local party working to elect Democrats and promote effective, transparent government for all residents. We connect voters with elected officials and candidates running for local and state offices.
We are dedicated to:
- electing Democrats
- influencing legislation
- supporting Federal, State, and County platform, and
- empowering voters
We reach beyond the Yorktown borders…
…organizing Yorktown Dems on behalf of State and County candidates.
We offer
- an informational newsletter detailing suggested actions and activities
- postcard writing, text banking, and phone banking campaigns in support of federal, state, county, and local candidates
- mobilizing activities to encourage people to vote in all elections
We welcome your participation…
…and look forward to hearing from you. Membership is open to any registered Democrat.
Contact Us to be a part of our future!