Our Officers (a.k.a. the Executive Board)
Chair: Jann Mirchandani
Vice Chair: Peter Cleary
Secretary: Sheila Schraier
Treasurer: Robert Kearney
Co-chairs Emeritus: Marni Rabin-Marron and Mark A. Lieberman
District Leaders (DLs)
A District Leader (DL) is an elected volunteer who represents the Democrats in their Yorktown district. Each term of office is two years and there are no term limits. Elections are held in even-numbered years.
Becoming a District Leader (DL) is an opportunity to help ensure that progressive values are represented in your local Democratic Committee.
What do District Leaders do?
DLs carry petitions signed by their constituents for candidates running for office before a party primary, general election, or referendum. DLs also work to engage the electorate by providing information on upcoming elections, door-to-door canvassing, sending postcards, phone banking, text banking, and distributing campaign literature. Each Election District (ED) is a discernible and manageable geographical area of Yorktown that can be targeted for canvassing. EDs tend to average between 70 and 150 registered Democrats. DLs work to produce high democratic voter turnout in their assigned ED’s.
District leaders in essence are community builders. Being a district leader is truly an avenue for one to get to know the people and serve the people–it is an activated way to bring your community’s needs and concerns to elected officials. And, most importantly, district leaders are essential role players in our electoral process because they educate our local voters about various candidates and help to mobilize voters to vote in ALL elections.