The Examiner News: “Siegel Defeats Diana to Win Seat on Yorktown Town Board.”

July 24, 2024–Democrat Susan Siegel defeated Republican Donna Diana in a special election Tuesday for a vacant seat on the Yorktown Town Board. According to unofficial results from the Westchester County Board of Elections, Siegel, a former supervisor and councilwoman, received 1,867 votes to 1,814 for Diana, who is the widow of former Supervisor Thomas […]

Yorktown News: “Siegel Wins Yorktown Special ElectionYorktown News.”

July 24, 2024–Siegel Wins Yorktown Special Election: Susan Siegel will fill the vacant seat on the Yorktown Town Board, according to unofficial results from the Westchester County Board of Elections after Tuesday’s election. Siegel, a Democrat, defeated Republican Donna Diana in a special election to fill the seat that was made vacant when then-Councilman Ed Lachterman […]

Click here to read local Examiner News letters supporting Susan Siegel!

Are you concerned about increased traffic around Yorktown? Our aging infrastructure? Encroaching urban sprawl and our town’s redevelopment plans? The lack of proactive stewardship for our open spaces? Town Board meetings focused more on “feel good” resolutions than on actual town business? Do you think there is little you can do to influence the future […]

Latest Meet & Greet!

Thanks to everyone who came out last night for Susan Siegel’s latest Meet & Greet, the excitement for her campaign is growing! Please spread the word about her campaign and make a plan to vote in the Special Election on July 23rd!

Upcoming Events: Yorktown Special Election for Town Council!

Please note the upcoming 2024 election events and deadlines: Yorktown Democratic Committee Endorses Susan Siegel for the Special Election for Councilmember to be held on Tuesday, July 23rd! The Yorktown Democratic Committee (YDC) voted at their nominating meeting on Thursday, May 23rd to unanimously endorse Susan Siegel for the Special Election for Councilmember to be held […]

Donna Diana Backs Down on Debating Susan Siegel

Donna Diana, the Republican candidate for the vacant seat on the Town Board in the July 23rd Special Election has decided not to debate her opponent Susan Siegel. The announcement, in the form of a text message sent on Friday, June 21st from Republican Committee Chairman Kevin Byrnes, came as a surprise as the two […]