By Steve Shaw, Town Board Candidate
Throughout this campaign, we have consistently emphasized the values of transparency and accountability. As Election Day approaches, I’d like to underscore what these principles mean to me as I look at our current Town Board.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that our town’s expenses are on an upward trajectory, and this trajectory threatens to place a significant burden on our residents. These rising costs are primarily attributed to questionable decisions and a lack of action, all while the Town Board continues to govern behind closed doors.
A prime illustration of this issue is the shocking 25% increase in garbage costs following the failed Competitive Carting contract. Furthermore, in a year’s time, the board will be required to initiate a new bidding process for a contract, almost certainly resulting in higher costs compared to the bids received during the 2022 selection of Competitive.

Photo Credit: mikbutcher / Unsplash.
We need more openness and accountability in all that we do, especially around the contract process. It is imperative to subject potential business partners with our Town to rigorous public scrutiny. Taxpayers deserve to know who their government officials are selecting and the reasons behind those selections.
The recent example of the closed-door decision-making process regarding the garbage contract highlights the consequences of such practices. However, this is not an isolated incident but rather a reflection of how the current Town Board has operated on the whole.
Requests made by individuals or groups are promptly approved, and contracts are awarded to familiar faces rather than responsible bidders. There’s a notable absence of consideration for the long-term consequences, as the immediate accommodation of requesters takes precedence over the best interests of our residents and the future of Yorktown.
Additionally, crucial community projects, such as the Hallocks Mill sewer, water fluoridation, and the police department steps renovation, have languished for years. Some of these initiatives have only recently gained attention, conveniently during an election year. And while these projects sat, some of them have been accumulating unnecessary costs.
Last, our town is witnessing unchecked development, despite widespread public opposition and numerous empty storefronts. This haphazard development not just destroys the greenspace our community cherishes, but also lacks a clear plan for the future.
To put an end to these types of issues we need to ensure that taxpayers’ concerns are addressed first and foremost. We must proactively engage with our community. The best way to achieve this is by reaching out to our residents, holding additional open forums in various locations, at different times, and providing alternate ways for people to participate.
Moreover, we should leverage the town’s public communication tools better to ensure the community is kept informed about ongoing projects and decisions in a transparent and timely manner.
Our commitment is to conduct thorough due diligence on each issue, approaching them with fresh perspectives to ensure nothing is overlooked. We will not rely solely on the word of others, whether current or former town officials, when it comes to the crucial work of Town Government. Our approach will always be open-minded, working collaboratively with all Town agencies, employees, and elected officials to foster a government that is transparent and accountable to the people of Yorktown.
Steve Shaw
Candidate for Town Council