Includes everything you need to know about registering to vote including eligibility criteria and necessary documentation.
Voter registration forms, whether online, mail-in or in-person can also be used to to update your voter registration information. Updated information could include a new name, new address, or changing your party enrollment.
To register online you will need to use a NY.Gov ID. If you have previously used a NY.Gov ID with another agency, you may use the same login to access the Online Voter Registration portal. If you have not used a NY.Gov ID you will need to create an account.
Completed applications are sent to the appropriate County Board of Elections for approval and processing.
Download and print the form. Be sure to print all information neatly so it can be clearly understood.
Completed applications are sent to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas St Unit 1, White Plains, NY 10601 for approval and processing.
In New York State, you can register in-person the following ways:
- at your county board of elections
- at any New York State Agency-Based voter registration center
- at the Department of Motor Vehicles, either in person or on their web site if you already have DMV-issued identification

Four choices to cast your ballot:
- Early Voting In Person
- Early Voting By Mail
- Absentee Ballot
- Election Day Voting
Early Voting In Person
Typically, the two weeks preceding Election Day, early voting is open during the week and on weekends. You can vote early at any location in the County.
Westchester County Early Voting Centers in Yorktown
- Jefferson Village, 3500 Hill Boulevard, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
- Yorktown Cultural Center, 1974 Commerce Street, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
*Days and Hours for Early Voting will be posted as they become available.
Voting by Early Mail Ballot or Absentee Ballot
Any registered voter may apply for an early mail ballot.
Absentee ballots may be requested if you are unable to appear in-person.
In-person Voting on Election Day
For Election Day voting, you will vote at your regular polling station.
If you vote on the Special Election Day or on the General Election Day, you must vote at your assigned polling station.