YDC Platform

Ethics | Housing | Commercial Development | Infrastructure | Walkable Hamlet/Traffic | Environment | Combating Climate Change


The Yorktown Democratic Committee supports enacting a stronger ethics law which: prescribes high ethical standards, requires public disclosure by Town officials and employees, imposes meaningful sanctions for those who violate the public trust, and establishes a Board of Ethics with the power to enforce the town’s ethics code.

Meaningful sanctions for violations provide accountability, while an empowered ethics board ensures impartial review and consistent enforcement. Public disclosure rules allow constituents to verify their representatives are acting solely in the community’s best interests.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should adopt an Ethics law that would require:

  • Town Board members and members of approval boards to publish their annual disclosure statements of personal, business and property interests in town to increase transparency, and prevent conflicts of interest.
  • The Town Board shall publish the results of:
    • Investigations conducted by the Board of Ethics where there is a violation of the ethics code,
    • The written report by the Board of Ethics of review of the annual disclosure statements which indicate violations of the ethics code.
  • In conducting investigations, the Board of Ethics shall have the option of requesting assistance from an outside attorney and may request the assistance of the town attorney.  


Yorktown has an opportunity to thoughtfully plan for an inclusive community by proactively addressing housing needs. Increasing the range of options across type and price point will foster a more resilient, thriving town benefiting all residents.  This will enable community members of all backgrounds to establish quality lives here, strengthening the social and economic dynamism that makes our town special. 

Developing a balanced housing strategy provides pathways for essential workers, seniors, young adults, and families to remain rooted in Yorktown, which is near employment, family, and community networks. This can reduce infrastructural strain from commuters while strengthening Yorktown’s diversity and vitality.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should:

  • Develop policies to create housing at a wide range of price points
  • Develop policies to encourage a broad diversity of housing types

Commercial Development

Yorktown has an opportunity to reimagine its commercial districts for a digital era with evolving retail needs. Proactive planning with a forward-looking vision should prioritize policies that strengthen Yorktown’s long-term fiscal health and overall community vibrancy.  Policies  that account for e-commerce trends and rightsized development can create vibrant, occupied spaces befitting our treasured hamlet identities. 

We need a sea change in our approach recognizing the realities of the 21st century.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should

  • Focus our development efforts on finding other uses for existing vacant retail and commercial space. Evaluate proposed new space to ensure that it is within the Town’s strategic priorities.  Incentives for new space are not needed.
  • Repeal the sections 260-42 through 260-47 of the town law* enacted at the end of the Grace administration which grants tax exemptions for new or improved retail and commercial space. 

*These tax exemptions are an option provided to towns by section 485-b of NYS Real Property Tax Law.


Yorktown has an opportunity to invest strategically in modernizing its critical infrastructure systems to enhance resilience, sustainability and livability town-wide. A forward-looking capital improvement plan would allow the community to get ahead of the maintenance curve while planning for smart growth.

By taking affirmative action now, Yorktown is committed to long-term investment that maximizes life-cycle value and services for residents. A rejuvenated infrastructure network befitting the community’s needs and vision improves the quality of life, public health, economic competitiveness and environmental stewardship.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should:

  • Develop a comprehensive plan to improve and maintain Town’s critical infrastructure for the long-term.
  • Prioritize infrastructure upgrades in budget by leveraging available funds to invest in long-term improvements to roads, sewers, water mains etc.
  • Improve Town infrastructure to mitigate the future impact of more frequent and powerful storms caused by climate change.

Walkable Hamlet Centers/Traffic

We believe that Yorktown would be greatly improved if the center areas of our five hamlets (Yorktown Heights, Jefferson Valley, Shrub Oak, Mohegan Lake, and Crompond) were designed so that it was easier to walk between destinations, cutting down on car trips. If some of the new housing units coming to Yorktown were near or in these areas, this could further reduce traffic. This kind of town design is also attractive to younger generations. 

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should:

  • Where there are no sidewalks, add sidewalks; 
  • Require developers building in these areas to add sidewalks adjacent to their developments; 
  • Improve traffic flow devices to make it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross streets; 
  • Embrace the “Complete Streets” concept: making streets more pedestrian and bike friendly while reducing traffic.  Consider creating pedestrian plazas.
  • Allow mixed-use buildings (apartments over stores); 
  • Study whether a shuttle service between these hamlet centers would reduce traffic. 


The Yorktown community strongly values preserving its open spaces, trees, and wetlands. Rigorous enforcement of existing environmental protection laws and holding violators accountable through penalties and show commitment to these shared conservation priorities.

Yorktown has an opportunity to be a leader in reducing air pollution sources. Exploring alternatives to garbage incineration and promoting sustainable transportation could significantly improve local air quality. Proactive steps in these areas would demonstrate the town’s dedication to creating a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

By taking affirmative actions to uphold environmental regulations and address pollution sources, Yorktown can meet the community’s aspirations for responsible stewardship of its natural resources and livability. Residents’ strong support provides a clear mandate for prioritizing these efforts.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should:

  • Consistently enforce all environmental protection laws
  • Prioritize redevelopment
  • Amend laws to prioritize solar farms only on previously cleared land that does not require clearing trees
  • Restore the previous practice of funding the purchase of more open space for the benefit of the community
  • Enforce the existing tree law

To improve the air quality, Town should investigate the feasibility of:

  • Converting town vehicles to plug-in hybrid or electric
    • Make EV charging stations widely available at parking lots; amend building code to require a mandated ratio of charging stations.
  • Reducing the amount of garbage created in Yorktown through new programs such as a town composting system that includes regular weekly pickups.

Combating Climate Change

Yorktown has a profound opportunity to be a leader in sustainable energy practices that safeguard our environment while increasing resilience against climate impacts like severe storms, flooding, and power disruptions. We can propel Yorktown towards a more sustainable, self-reliant future benefiting all residents by incentivizing renewable energy adoption, enhancing energy efficiency, investing in resilient infrastructure, and greening municipal operations.  These are key steps that reassert our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Beyond mitigating climate change contributors, such initiatives can also raise revenue, improve air quality, and reduce energy costs for residents and businesses as well as the Town.

We believe the Yorktown Town Board should:

  • Immediately set specific goals for the transition to clean energy – goals are important to ensure accountability,
  • Cover our municipal roofs and parking lots with solar panels,
  • Install electric vehicle charging stations in Town parking lots and mandate them in other developments.
  • Transition to plug-in hybrid or electric cars for town vehicles,
  • Take advantage of grants and statewide legislative initiatives that support local governments in their transition to clean energy.