Yorktown March for Civil Justice


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yorktowners and youth-led organizers from YHS and LHS organized marches through Yorktown and Shrub Oak in the span of just nine days in June.  Support for the Black Lives Matter movement, growing throughout the world in recent weeks, has galvanized young people in our area into political and social action to create the changes we so deeply need in our nation and communities.

In their own words:

On Sunday June 7, in a historic Yorktown event, over a thousand people came out to march and show support to the Black Lives Matter protests happening all over the world. A rally concluded the march and community members, affected by racism in our town, got to tell their stories to shine a light on the existing racism present in Yorktown. Acknowledging the problem is the first step to healing and the coordinators of the event are working with other community members to help continue this important work for our home town. If you would like to get involved in advocacy and activism regarding increasing diversity and inclusion in the many facets of Yorktown life, please join the Facebook group Yorktown for Justice and contact the admins.

– Rachel Frederick- Co-organizer

The March down Main Street {in Shrub Oak} was a formidable gathering of outspoken activists ranging from all ages and walks of life in the Lakeland community. Students, parents, and teachers alike took to the streets in masks and peacefully made their way down, chanting in solidarity against the racism that largely goes unmentioned both in Lakeland schools and the broader Westchester County. Upon reaching the admin building, several heartfelt stories were shared about the Black experience, and how as a collective we need to demand proper reform in schools to diversify learning materials and meet the needs of students of color. People cried, laughed, and held each other up throughout this beautiful display of unity, while also addressing the hard truths about what still needs to be done for the future, especially within Lakeland itself.

It’s very important that this conversation was sparked in a community like Lakeland, which has a predominantly white population but does not remain untouched by the prejudices against people of color that live within it. The March showed that even amidst national turmoil, we can find common ground in humanity, and with one accord, demand immediate action against the systematic racism that plagues our allies in the Black community.

“It was beautiful to see so many community members (or our neighbors) especially our young people everywhere out supporting the Black Lives Matter march for justice in Shrub Oak.”

– Brittany Alexander- Lakeland HS Alum, NYU Student

Posted in News.